Senin, 03 Desember 2012

Passive Sentence

    In the passive sentence, the object of an active verb becomes the subject of the passive verb.Only transitive verbs are used in the passive.

Intransitive verbs such as happen, sleep, come and seem cannot be used in the passive.

When rewriting active sentences in passive voice, note the following:
• the object of the active sentence becomes the subject of the passive sentence
• the finite form of the verb is changed (to be + past participle)
• the subject of the active sentence becomes the object of the passive sentence (or is dropped)

Persuading and Encouraging, Preventing Someone from Doing Something


Persuading is expressions to make someone agree to do something, make someone do or believe something by giving them a good reason to do it or by talking to them and making them believe it. the act of influencing the mind by arguments  or reasons offered, with anything that moves the mind.

2nd and 3rd Conditional Sentences

1. 2nd Conditional Sentences

a. Definition:
2nd conditional (also called conditional type 2) is a structure used for talking about unreal situations in the present or in the future. This page will explain how the second conditional is formed, and when to use it.  (Contrary-fact)

Asking about Possibilities, Expressing Curiosity and Desire, Expressing Views

Asking About Possibilities

To know, to find, to inform possibilities the following phrases might be useful.
Do you think it is possible
  • ·         Is it likely to….
  • ·         Is there any chance?
  • ·         Can she be…?
  • ·         I think it is going to….
  • ·         I bet…..
  • ·         It’s quite possible
  • ·         It seems probable
  • ·         It looks like
  • ·         It is not unlikely
  • ·         It is more than likely…..
  • ·         I won’t be surprised if……
  • ·         In all likelihood…..

Making Suggestion and Requesting Something

There are a number of ways used when making suggestions :

1)  WHAT ABOUT/HOW ABOUT ... + Base form + -ING
     • What about going to the swimming pool tomorrow?
     •  How about going to the swimming pool tomorrow?

2)  WHY + Negative
  Why don't we go to the swimming pool tomorrow?

3)  IMPERATIVE: Let's + Base form

 Let's go to the swimming pool tomorrow! 

4)   COULD
 We could go to the swimming pool tomorrow.

5)   DO YOU WANT + the infinitive
         Do you want to go to the swimming pool tomorrow.

Complaining and Giving Instruction

Giving instruction 

The Definition of Giving Instruction

Giving instruction is an expression that is used in order that order that other person does what we instruct or request, or giving imperative to other people for to do or not to do something, Giving instruction sometimes called comperative/prohibition.

The tense used in giving instruction is “SIMPLE PRESENT”

Forms of Giving Instruction
There are two form of giving instruction, those are:

Contrastive Conjunction and Modal Perfect

Types of conjunction
Different types of conjunctions link information in different ways. It is important to know which conjunctions establish which types of links.
There are five main types of conjunction in English.