The block format is the simplest format; all of the writing is flush against the left margin.
The return address of the sender so the recipient can easily find out where to send a reply to.
• British English
Position : In the top right corner of the letter.
• American English
Position : In the top left corner, below the date, or at the end of the letter (below thesignature)
Date 2
Put the date on which the letter was written in the format
• British English
Write :30 October 2003
Position :On the right, one line below the sender's address
• American English
Write : October 30, 2003
Position : Top left corner
Inside Address 3
The address of the person you are writing to along with the name of the recipient, their title and company name.
British English
Ms /Miss/Mrs/Mr/Dr...
Company Name(optional)
house number and the street
area code
COUNTRY (in capital letters)
American English
Company Name(optional)
house number and th street
place, area code
COUNTRY (in capital letters)
Salutation 4
• If you know the person's name:
a. In British English, don't use anypunctuation mark or use a comma.
Dear Ms / Miss / Mrs / Mr +lastname,
Example: Dear Mr Miller or Dear Mr Miller,
Dear + surname,
Example: Dear Chris Miller or Dear Chris Miller,
b. In American English, use a colon (:)
Dear Ms. / Miss. / Mrs. / Mr. +lastname:
Example: Dear Mr. Miller:
Dear + surname:
Example: Dear Chris Miller:
c. To Whom It May Concern/Dear Sir or Madam: if recipient's name is unknown.
Subject Line (optional) 5
Makes it easier for the recipient to find out what the letter is about.
• British English
The subject line is usually placed between the salutation and the body of the letter.
• American English
In American English, the subject line can also be placed between the recipient's address and the salutation.
Body 6
The body is where you write the content of the letter.
Closing 7
Complimentery Close
Yours faithfully,If you do not know the name of the person
Yours sincerely,
If you know the name of the person
Signature 8
Printed Name 9
The printed version of writer/sender, and if desired writer/sender can put a title or position, then print it underneath the signature.
Enclosure(optional) 10
If you wish to enclose documents, you can write the word 'Enclosure' below the printed name.Type "Enclosures (#)" with the # being the number of other documents enclosed.
Reference Initials(optional) 11